Monday 16 July 2012

Top 5 Popular Dog Breeds in the World

The American kennel club (AKC) is a registry of purebred dog pedigrees in the United States. Every year the AKC releases their Top Dog Breeds based on registration statistic.  For a purebred dog to be registered with the AKC, the dog's parents must be registered with the AKC as the same breed, and the litter in which the dog is born must be registered with the AKC. If the dog's parents are not registered with the AKC or the litter is not registered, special registry research by the AKC is necessary for the AKC to determine if the dog is eligible for AKC registration. So according to the list here is a list of Top 5 popular Dog Breeds in the World.

5) Yorkshire Terrier 

The Yorkshire terrier is a small dog breed of terrier type. The defining features of the breed are its size, 3 pounds to 7 pounds, and its silky blue and tan coat.Energetic , loyal and clever , the Yorkshire terrier are easy to train and considered excellent watch dogs.They are easily adaptable to all surroundings , travel well and make suitable pets for many homes. Known for their ultra long , silky ,glossy, fine and straight hair coat, the Yorkshire terrier also tend to bark alot which makes them excellent watchdogs because they will sound the alarm when anyone gets near. Despite of the long silky hairs only a small amount is shed during bath or when brushed.

4) Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is a medium-size breed of the dog. They were historically developed as gun dogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as duck and upland game birds during hunting and shooting parties. With their ever-present smile, wavy blond fur and joyful prance the golden retriever has long been one of the favrouited dog breed. This active and energetic sporting breed can adapt to many different living situations but requires daily exercise. The Golden retrievers intellegence gives them the ability to be versatile and play a variety of roles including guide dog for the blind, hearing dog for deaf people, hunting dogillegal drug detector, and search and rescue participant. Because of their loyal and gentle temperament, golden retrievers are also popular family pets. And is at number 4 on the list.

3) Beagle

The Beagle is a breed of small to Medium-size dogs.A member of the Hound group.similar to Foxhound in appearencebut smaller, with shorter legs and longer, softer ears.In its pure bred form, the hound continues to hold on to to its status as one of man's best friends. Beagles are happy-go-lucky and friendly making them a wonderful family pet.The Beagle has an even temper and gentle disposition. Beagles are intelligetbut, as a result of being bred for the long chase, are single-minded and determined, which can make them hard to train. Beagles are also known for their tremendous whining , sharp bark and thoroughly loud from-the-belly howls. 

2) German Shepherd 

The German Shepherd Dog also known as Alsatian or just the German Shepherd is a breed of large sized dog that originated in Germany. Often used as working  dogs , German Shepherds are highly intelligent and courageous. Energetic and loving, the breed is very fond of children once the relation is established.  Because of its strength, intelligence and abilities in obedience training it is often employed in police and military roles around the world. generally good with other pets and Excellent with children in the family it is recommended to train and socialize German Shepherds from an early age with a firm and loving hand. And its popularity and features have kept this breed at 2nd spot.

1) Labrador Retriever 

The Labrador Retriever  is one of several kinds of  a type of gun dog. A breed characteristic is webbed paws for swimming, useful for the breed's original purpose of retrieving fishing nets. For the 21st consecutive year this lovable breed continues to be the most popular breed according to AKC's registration statistic. Typically, Labradors are athletic and love to swim, play catch and retrieve games, are good with young children, elderly, and for protection. This versatile pup comes in three color variations(white,black,brown) is active trustworthy and adorable.Labrador hair is usually fairly short and straight, and the tail quite broad and strong. Labs are also trainable and posses a calm temperament ,which is why this breed continues to grip over 1st spot. 

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